Saturday, March 7, 2009

TJ Normandin

I am Furious so VERY FURIOUS

Some freak called TJ Normandin, T.J. Normandin had sex with my baby sister. She was 13... she might look 14 but shes my baby sister feels like days ago i saw about R. Kelly and that little girl and now my little sister. It was just a few weeks ago it happens. I see his facebook

My sis says he the man who had sex with her and its so hard to believe but you have to. she was in LA for a few days meets this man and then she cries on me for 1 week before she tells me i am so FURIOUS I want to kick him. anyone can email me even you, you freak.


  1. this was posted by an unknown source and if false please feel free to try to contact the e-mail for more information on this allegation and you will see that no one will respond ,i have tried several attempts to have it removed but the blogger has failed to identify themselves it is sad and it can be done to anyone i could write it about you and there will be nothing you can do to have it removed .

  2. I did indeed write this blog about TJ to teach him a lesson about slander and how easy it is for someone to post things about you that in fact are not true . I do not remember the password or email account i made up to received these emails so i can't check them to respond to anyone thus proving i am the one who wrote this blog ...i do deeply apologize and wish i could remove it but it but i can't so if anyone need proof of who i am come to my face book and ask me yourself thanks Ryan R.

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  5. Well TJ...u dont have MY love, family! Maybe it was because you (without asking ME) accused me of trying to hook up with one of the girls u gave Herpes to (why would i wanna do that??). And then u started talking shit about me behind my back, when all i was trying to to was help YOU out when u were locked up! You fuckin fraud! That's why some random stranger was about to beat ya ass for yelling at ur chick in public the other day. Eyes are on you kid! You can lie to everybody else, but you can't lie to yourself. Keep burning bridges...see where u end up.

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  11. Hahahahahahaha.....Nylon Pink, you're crazy! Look at yourself in the mirror, and then tell me that I want to be you. Seriously. I'll wait...........

    Ok, I'm gonna go back to my wonderful, amazing life...the one YOU want to live. Continue living your lie. Peace out fraud.

  12. Its soo funny that my friend found this blog.. well heres the story. my friend has a child with tj (tyrone) and when he found out she as pregnant he left. Surprise!!!!!!.... and the the kid is now 6 years old living in new bedford....and always asking about his daddy and btw this kid is spitting image of tj.I've tried contacting him by calling and texting and never a answer and ive contacted his girlfriend in la and no response. The poor kid just wants to meet his daddy.. but after reading this blog im pretty sure she dont want him to meet his father.BUTT he still wants to know the other side of the family so if any family would like to contact him please let me know ive heard tj's mom is a very nice women and it would be great for him to meet his grandmother. 6 Years of child support will be knocking on your door soon papi!

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  14. Hello, I am one of TJ's son's aunt and have fun trying to get one red cent from this sorry ass SOB. My nephew is about 9 years old now and he too asks about his dad once in a while. But quiet frankly, he has no dad. TJ's mom and family however have always been there for this little boy. However, his mom (my niece) has gone on with her life and about the 13 year old girl...that is true. He's a sick MF. My niece was pregnant along with some other girl and good luck with child support. That's to funny. He's this luxurious LA wanna be but can't even support his boys....Because along with my nephew there was another little boy also. But these boys have met there grandma so there's another boy out there without a father in his life.... Hey TJ why don't you cut your balls off and stop creating off springs you can give a crap about. Thank God these kids have great family support and we love your off springs dearly and they don't need shit from you.....

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  17. For every woman out there who has a child with TJ is my email address Feel free to contact me if you are looking for child support. I will be happy to forward his address on to you so you get what your child deserves.

  18. he's still at it.... crazy mother fucker!!! stay far aware from this piece of shit!!! I have no idea who these other people commenting are but they are right! he is a piece of shit!!!!

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    2. Sad to hear this but not surprised. NOTHING that comes out of this POSs mouth is true. He destroys lives. Like a tornado. Steals from, blackmails, and abuses women. Probably preying on another single mom in Texas. He’s a well developed con artist with a criminal mind. Has Zero remorse.
      (Good luck to her & anyone who gets caught in his web)
      He left CA because he’s got a warrant. Left MA because he has warrant...(both sovereign states- so they won’t extradite) regardless what ‘reason’ he gives. Probably to say he is helping his mom out.
      Please be careful if this person is anywhere near you or a loved one.

      Eventually, the truth will catch up to him. Eventually he will cross the wrong person. Eventually justice will be served. Until then, keep your daughters, friends and family away.

  19. Yeah he’s in Texas causing all sorta of shit. He is using the excuse of his mom. Fuckin lame asshole

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  25. So I ran into this loser In LA in the middle of the 2000's timeline Basically If you have watched "DIRTYJOHN " this is a complete mirror of Tj, Tyrone, EZDOZIT whatever you want to call him he lived out of a suitcase , no car , no job nothing . He didn't ever mention kids but I found out he had 3 or 4 plots against everyone you know . And of course he gave he herpes but made me think I gave them to him .He told me he was native American lied about anything and everything He is a POS . Me miniplates and uses !!!THANK GOD I didn't get pregnant by this loser he lived and used everything probably stole I was young and dumb . He is a leech couldn't get rid of him He would make me feel bad about everything abused and used . Loser and a disgrace to real men . He is a smooth criminal loser he is like dirt but but DIRT has more value then him . He got a girl pregnant during my time knowing him of course he didn't stick around . I bet this guy has 15 plus kids stay the hell away this is not a joke he will do this to anyone and everyone who comes in contact with him . Now he is In his late 40's he will never quit . I've seen him on Facebook posting about the fake life he is leading pretending to be engaged building his own house this is laughable because he doesn't own anything . I do not hate him I want to let others know about him and wished I listened to his friends I even had people warn me and I didn't listen and at the end I couldn't get rid of him . DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT LET THIS MAN IN YOUR LIFE HE WILL DRAIN YOU DRY !!! He should just be in jail for spreading herpes knowingly to women it in curable now I have to live my entire life know this POS gave me this disease . This is the DIRTYJOHN of the century. 100% scumbag

  26. To the loser who called my phone last week for TJ- you're being played. If he is your friend, be careful- one more call & I press charges. If he is your boyfriend, you may wanna check his phone & ask him why he's been messaging, "I love you" to me. Either way- you're blind & need to wake up. TJ- pay me my money back & stop having low life's call me! Want proof? Message me !
